Our team was assigned the topic of birth control and abortion. When I first assessed these ideas in my journal assignment #3, I talked about how sad thinking and discussing these issues made me. Now I see them as still sad and hard to deal with, but I really appreciate the potential for spiritual and inter-relationship growth they can provide. This website we are creating has the possiblilty to be a serious resource for women and couples struggling with these problems and in need of assistance. I think we have a very good balance of spiritual and non-spiritual responses and advice, and enough compassion for the women's position in this situation. It can help build faith in these trials, as it helped build my own and my teams while we were creating it.
If I experienced any of these (infertility, for example) I would most likely turn to the advice and comfort of my mother first, she being the original example to me of dealing the difficulties of parenting and child-rearing. I suppose I would attempt IVF or seek help from other fertility clinic methods, and if they prove unsuccessful, possibly adoption. For spiritual assistance I would turn to the scriptures, as there are more than a few examples of infertile women putting their trust in the Lord and experiencing medical miracles. I would also review my own personal patriarchal blessing and the promises it speaks of, that if I remain faithful, I will receive a family of my own.