By being true sons and daughters of heavenly father, we came to earth with a pure goal and purpose in mind. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we are taught of Christ's plan for us- this means we have a knowledge of our eternal potential and divine identity. Knowing about this potential, given to us directly by God Himself, makes us more likely to act on it. We do this by obeying the commandments we’ve been given, which gives us further testimony of his plan for us. This is a clear reason why the adversary tries so very hard to keep this knowledge of our preexistence far from us.
One of the main reasons God sent us to earth was to gain a body. This is crucial to become like God, as he has a body himself. It allows us to someday have a perfected resurrected body like His and Christ’s. With its many passions and emotions, it also gives us experience controlling our natural man and become self-disciplined. Having bodies also allows us to have procreate, have children and become parents. This experience helps teach us true Christlike love and selflessness and gives us a better idea of our own father in Heaven’s love for us, and the motives behind his commandments and plan.
Satan doesn’t want the world to know how sacred having a body and coming to Earth is. This is because he never had the opportunity to have a body and never will. Because of this, he has no potential and can never improve, and wants the same for the rest of God’s children. This is why our church puts such an emphasis on teaching about our premortal life, divine nature, and the gift of our bodies.